Natasha's Temple

Tend the body. Expand the mind.
Feed the soul.
Body Treatments

Hot Crystal Massage
This blissful experience is a nurturing and deep tissue hot stone massage.
60 min. $125 90min. $145
3 pack $330 3 pack $415
(save $15) (save $20)
Chakra bowl Massage
Experience blissfull cellular activation and grounding of vibrational sound healing from singing bowls played on each Chakra while receiving a guided visualisation & meditation.
A specific blend of luxurious essential oils will be applied one chakra at a time in combination with a deep tissue hot crystal massage of the back, shoulders, neck, & head utilizing the healing powers of obsidian, rose quartz, aventurine & moonstone.
60 min $125
Fascia Repair Massage
The session begins with a 30 min fascia "scrub" to reduce toxins, cellulite, inflamation, scar tissue & open/loosen tension bound fascia...
THEN experience 90min of hot crystal deep tissue bliss while
you detoxify on a cellular level.
90 min $165
for more info:
Blasting tutorial
To target those hard to tone areas of the body combine an ITWORKS body contour/anti cellulite wraps & detoxifying botanical gel massage with the Fascia Repair Massage to creates the most relaxing way to detoxify, tone and release tension.
90 min $180

Mobile Chair Massage
& Tarot
A convenient way to treat your staff or pamper your girlfriends at a special event!
$2 per minute
Special rates for groups avaiIable

Ear Candling
An ancient therapy to safely & effectively remove excess wax that builds up in the ear.
30-45 min. $60

Healing Journeys

Tarot Readings
A tool used to look at the energies that are surrounding a person at a set time in their life when things may be uncertain, overwhelming, or any one of the many human states that we experience in our lifetime.
Beginner Tarot Classes
An 8 week series to explore & learn the ancient divination tool of Tarot Reading
A hands on treatment that utilizes the powerful energy of this ancient Oriental healing technique.
Chakra Bowl Journey
Discover how having singing bowls played on your body, one chakra at a time in conjunction with affirmations & visualisations for each chakra can help to re-align your chakras & bring your entire being back into balance... A vibrational sound healing like no other!
Birthday Special
Receive a $20 discount on ANY session the week of your birthday!
PLEASE NOTE: 24 hour cancellation notice is required or 50% of the session is due
